Happy 2025! We had so much fun in 2024 and the end of it snuck up on us fast! If you haven't heard the new releases I would love for you to go check them out. Here's the first...it came out at the end of 2024. Here We Go Again was recorded in 2017 and I've just had it waiting for the time to be right. Sometimes the climate of the circumstance fits even if it's not right at that moment. Eight years later, there's still so much truth. It's hard to believe some of my toughest times I've lived were nearly a decade ago.

The beginning of a year is a good time to reassess your goals and get your priorities realigned with your values. But, every now and then you just gotta blow off some steam with some rap bars and a dope beat! Haha
Drop a comment and let me know what you think of Here We Go Again. Shout-out to my wife SB The Queen for making the music video.